Back in August Glo got some news that noone ever wants to hear. She had Breat Cancer. Everyone was shocked. I was stunned, didn't think it was possible. I mean, Glo is just a couple of years older than I am. The doctors wanted to start treatment right away. Glo put it off for another week, as the day they wanted to start was the day that her daughter Missy would be showing her first 4-H lamb at the fair. She didn't want to miss that.
Glo soon started her chemotherapy treatments. She juggled her family, keeping up with lesson plans for her substitue teachers, cancer and her kids. She kept her humor all through it. When she started losing her hair, she posted on facebook that JR, her husband, would be shaving her head that night. All of her supporting friends, me included, chimed in with comments and courage. Heartfelt comments like "shall I bring the sheep clippers overs?" or "cool, now you can go as Mr. Clean for Halloween." and "wow, just think of all the money you are going to save on shampoo.". Yes, a classy bunch of friends she has!
The school she teaches at surprised her with a 'Tough Enough to Wear Pink' day in honor of her. There are a bunch of us sporting pink bracelets with Glo's name on them. I am amazed at her strength. Her sense of humor. Her overall attitude. I admire her for all of that.
Another good thing about March 19th, 2010 and the last radiation treatment.....We Get To Celebrate!! Cold Beers at Bucking Horse Sale, here we come!
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