Pedro & Coffee. Coffee & Pedro. They go together like....well like all the good things in life.

Pedro was bought as a colt in hopes she would grow up to match one of grandpa's red road percheon cross mares that we had been driving. She grew up, but not enough. She was broke to ride and then sent to our house. We rode her for awhile, and she just got ornerier and crankier. I was ready to give up on her, so we sent her to the Amish to get broke to drive. And she is great!

Coffee is out of one of grandpa's mares and is such a sweetheart. Big D and I spent one winter taming her, halter breaking her, picking her feet up and saddling her. She was then sent to the Amish to break to drive. She also is great!
The wagon awaits, at Andi & Jason's Wedding
After many years Dad finally has a team again. He is proud of them, enjoys driving them, and brags about them to anyone who will listen. They outwalk any team, gentle as all get out and are scared of anything.
After Bucking Horse Sale Parade 2009
We have had them in Bucking Horse Sale parade. 125th Montana Stockgrowers Association Parade. Several wagon trains. Andi & Jason's Wedding. Wagon rides during the winter. Wagon rides for the heck of it. They are kid broke. The are beer broke. Heck, Dad's even let Grandpa drive, whom has only really good working arm.
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