When I was just a very young lad I walked up and I told my dad
A bareback rider's what I wanna be I want the whole world to know about me
In the rodeo arena I'll take my stand I wanna be known as a rodeo man
I'll come flyin' from the chute with my spurs up high
Chaps and boots reachin' for the sky
Spurrin' wild with my head throw'd back
You'll ask whose that well that's Bareback Jack
You'll ask whose that well that's Bareback Jack
A bareback rider's what I wanna be I want the whole world to know about me
In the rodeo arena I'll take my stand I wanna be known as a rodeo man
I'll come flyin' from the chute with my spurs up high
Chaps and boots reachin' for the sky
Spurrin' wild with my head throw'd back
You'll ask whose that well that's Bareback Jack
You'll ask whose that well that's Bareback Jack

It was a little windy that day!
And she is happy about it.
Crazy Kid.
All spring, T has been against using her stirrups and hanging on. So I did what any good mom would do, I took her saddle away. And made her ride with bareback rigging. The lil crazy kid loved it. Go figure.

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