1. I am thankful for my little miracle baby, Tally. My life would be so boring and empty without her smiles and questions and her personality.

2. I am thankful for my Dad. Thankful for teaching me to ride, to ranch, to rope, and to 'go for broke' and be happy.
3. I am thankful for my Mom. I am thankful she has baffled the doctors and is still with us. I am thankful that she is around to enjoy life and her granddaughters.
4. My sisters. Good, Bad or otherwise I am thankful for them! :) No, Really. I am truly thankful for them.

5. My Friends. Far and Near. Old and New.

6. Thankful I get to teach my daughter what my dad taught me.

7. I have a roof over my head. It maybe small. It may lack storage. But we have a roof over our head, and it's great.
8. I have a freezer full of beef.
9. I am thankful for my horses.
10. I am thankful for my nieces, Timber & Hailey. It's great being an Auntie.
11. I am thankful I have a job. I may hate it and wish something else would come along, but I am thankful I have a job.
12. I am thankful Tally has grandparents and great parents on both sides of her family, that she gets to know and learn from.
13. I am thankful Tally loves riding horse.
14. I am thankful for my health.
15. I am very thankful for those fighting and those that fought for my freedom.
16. I am thankful that I can walk down the street to the grocery store and buy groceries to feed my family.
17. I am thankful I have a family to feed.
18. The country. I am so thankful to not be living in town! I love the coyotes calling, the cows bellering, the dogs barking.
19. Tally's new puppy, Scott! He is so good, and is teaching Tally responsibility.
20. I am thankful our little town still has a clinic/hosptial/nursing home/ambulance crew.
21. I am thankful when I go back to my hometown, I still have good close friends and it feels like I haven't left.
22. I am thankful I can enjoy a cold beer after a long day of branding, or working outside. Or for that manner, whenever I choose.
23. I am thankful for all the opportunities my parents gave me and allowed me to participate in growing up. 4-H. Rodeo. Swimming Lessons. Band. FFA. Luther League. Junior Leaders. Livestock Judging. Basketball.
24. I am thankful Tally is teaching me to have patience. I used to have all kinds of patience in me, until I started working in town. I lost all patience. She is now teaching me again, and I love that.
25. I am thankful I got to know my Great Grandparents and that I have a Grandpa and a Grandma still with me today.
26. I am thankful for my spurs. They were my dads. Everytime I put them on I think of my dad. And that the fact that when he gave them to me, he told me if I ever lost them that I shouldn't bother coming home!
27. I am thankful my mom taught me to sew.
28. I am thankful my parents are such a good cooks, and taught me and my sisters to cook. Though I can't make dumplings or pancakes nowhere as good as dad!
29. I am thankful to still be a part of ranching and agriculutre.
30. I am thankful for pictures. Because without pictures I would have a heck of a time remembering all the fun I have had in my life with my friends and family.

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